About Me

Photo Credit: Randi Baird
I always loved working with people; I have been a Speech Pathologist, a Nurse Practitioner, and even a Matchmaker!
What was the common thread?
Forming relationships with people. And yet, I kept feeling a tug at my heart to do something more creative.
As a photographer, I am where I am meant to be.
I have found a way to combine my love of figuring out what makes people tick, and connecting with them, with my desire to do creative work.
My superpower: I get kids.
I make them feel comfortable right away.
If you have a particularly challenging kid, I assure you, I've seen worse and gotten photos their parents love. Maybe for the first time ever.
If I ask your kids to come run somewhere with me, know that I won't steal them! (I have one of my own - two if you count my fur baby!) I just like to get those real smiles and be goofy with them in a way they won't do when mom and dad are telling them to knock it off! ;-)
If you feel like your kids are being too crazy, that's probably perfect. Let them be crazy.
We will get the photos you will look at one day and tear up over.
Looking forward to meeting you soon!